A fireplace will keep your abode warm, but Toposon's stove fan ensures that heat is evenly distributed around the room; this is why it is recommended. In this section, we explained some factors to help you choose a stove fan. The first feature on our list is:
The size is one of the essential factors; your choice here is influenced by the size and the distance of the fireplace.
Your air conditioning system has some degree of influence too. If you’re using a central air conditioning system, your choice in terms of size should vary.
The positioning and number of blades attached to the woodstove fan will give you a perfect idea of the amount of air the fan can distribute in the room. On average, most stove fans come with a minimum of two blades and a maximum of 4 blades. Their efficiency varies based on the number of blades; this means the higher the blade, the more warm air it circulates
Fans are powered by batteries or electricity, but most stove fans are powered by heat. This newly technologically evolved device gradually gains traction in most American homes as one of the major means to maintain warmth temperature.
The acronym CFM stands for Cubic Feet per Meter. It explains how far the fan can circulate air within a space or the degree of displacement by the fan. The larger the CFM, the more air the fan displaces from one part to another.
On average, you get 240 CFM from a standard fan, although this value can either decrease or increase, depending on the brand and size.
Most wood burner fans for sale are built to work within a specified temperature; this is within the range of 21 °F – 600 °F. Some products can either work with lower or higher temperatures compared to this range.
If a fan has a low-temperature capacity, it requires a low level of heat for the motor to operate; this stove fan reaches its maximum heating capacity soon, compared to those requiring high temperature.
The temperature capacity will help you get a suitable device compatible with the size of your home. Stove fans with the optimal temperature capacity serve better than fans with either too high or too low capacity.
Once you rock with the right wood stove fan, you save yourself the stress of spending more on fuel needed to generate the required heat energy to keep your room warm throughout the season.
Once you have all the features we outlined in this buyer’s guide, you can access one of the best stoves that will last and save you the stress of extra expenses.
If you’re still at the crossroad of making up your mind, don’t hesitate to contact us. We bet you won’t regret it.